Stavros Georgiou

Frederick University

Department of Architecture


by Stavros Georgiou 

The purpose of this project was the design of a mobile, multi-use shelter, with its main task being the support of periodical research activities. Additionally, this unit has the ability to be transported and placed in different areas with different climate characteristics. An important requirement for this structure was to be able to attach multiple modules together, creating different space sizes, facilitating a wide range of functional needs. This shelter should be energy efficient, autonomous, and able to remain in an area for a significant length of time. Particular attention had to be paid to the structure’s weight, water proofing, insulation and transportability. This is a geometric shaped module that supports the potential attachment of multiple units in different combinations allowing for size adjustments and flexible spaces. The particular shape proposed by this project is the result of many experiments and has the advantage of being practical both when singled out and when attached to other modules. One potential is that of combining many modules into a circle, creating an enclosed, safe, open-air space. The interior of each module is adaptable to the needs of the user. It includes a stable part at the entrance that separates the interior from the exterior, but also the modules between them when connected. The shell of the structure is prefabricated and consists of assembled pieces. The users can choose from a catalogue the pieces that better suit their needs both for the facade and the roof. Due to the small scale of the structure, the space is of multi-functional use. To maintain an energy independent unit, solar panels are placed, along with other systems for heating and power supply. Equally important was the selection of the appropriate materials that would define, depending on its properties, the shape and construction of the structure. After a number of trials, the material chosen is the G.R.P (Glass Reinforced Plastic), formed manually with the aid of molds. The main characteristics of G.R.P. are: a. light weight, b. seamless, c. waterproof, d. it does not fold into angles but organic shaped bends, increasing that way its strength together with the construction’s strength.


Stavros Georgiou   is a graduating student at the Department of Architecture at Frederick University. He has successfully presented his thesis project titled Autonomous research laboratory in which he excelled. He has gained engineering experience working in his family business, learning from his father, who is a contractor, the steps toward materializing a project. He has an inner urge to being close to nature and to being adventurous.